Homeschool Riding Programs
Our homeschool programs are proudly in their 5th year!
We are vendors with the following charter schools:
Blue Ridge Academy | Compass | Golden Valley | Heartland
All charter school students are required to register via our website as well as submitting the funding request to their school. Our classes are fully outdoors and non-sectarian.
HOMESCHOOL RIDERS a monthly drop in experience for homeschoolers,
Friday mornings, dates below
Pony Diaries is a weekly 3 hour program on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for ages 5-14. Each day, we gather in circle and connect through games and movement. We do our chores together and prepare to ride. Everyone learns to do groundwork, showmanship, grooming, tacking and riding from beginner to cantering. While some are riding, others have time to snack, connect and work on projects with our Waldorf teachers.
FILLIES & COLTs is for riders ages 8+ who have graduated from Pony Diaries and can halter, groom, tack and ride at the canter. Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
JR APPRENTICE- ages 9+ these riders are at the heart of learning at the ranch and sometimes ride twice a day. For skill development and progression, we highly recommend at least 2 days attendance. Riders are proficient at walk, trot, canter, bridling.
To maintain a safe environment, our riders are expected to be
communicative, interested in horses and willing to take direction.
Direct inquiries to or 805 212 RIDE