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A Lotte Horses is located at

5634 Wheeler Canyon Rd

Santa Paula 93060


What to Wear

  • Long Pants

  • Boots or sturdy closed toe shoes that cover the entire foot

  • Sunscreen


What to Bring

  • Hat

  • Snacks

  • Plenty of Water! Our well water is drinkable but does taste different than water from home.

  • Helmet (we have plenty to share if you do not have one)

  • A Positive Attitude



  • Payments can be made online, via Venmo to @alottehorses or in cash at the ranch. 

  • Payment in full is required prior to riding.



If you have not been to the ranch before, please allow an extra 5 minutes to your drive time.

NOTE Please DO NOT type in "A Lotte Horses" into your maps or navigation program. You will very likely wind up at the wrong location. (Google has corrected our address - finally - but not changed the map pin location - which will send you much further up the canyon.)


A Lotte Horses is located at:

AB Ranch

5634 Wheeler Canyon Rd

Santa Paula 93060


The ranch is located 2.6 miles up Wheeler Canyon from Foothill Rd. When you drive in, there are seasonal flowers along the drive and low grey rock edging on the sides of our drive. You will pass a field, an antique grey barn and a large sand arena. Turn right past the red barn, then left, uphill past a smaller arena (where Lotte teaches), turn right then left again. Our horses are in the corrals at the top of the ranch to the left. We will meet you there, and you will see a banner that says A Lotte Opportunity Foundation.


Please adhere to a speed limit of 5 miles per hour while on the ranch, help us look out for our children, our riders, horses, ponies and smaller animals!



  • For those attending weekly classes, most of our parents choose to depart.

  • You are welcome to stay. We ask that you keep adult conversations separate from the area the children are working. There are areas where you can sit separately from the children's work and learning areas, and by all means you are welcome to watch the riding lessons. Children are sometimes less willing to engage with activities when parents are close by, or they expect parents step in with tasks that they would otherwise try to do themselves. We foster a culture which encourages the children to do as much as they safely can themselves, with the support of our helpers and staff.

  • Any siblings or other children with you who are not attendees must be within your eyesight and full supervision at all times while at the ranch.



We use a service called REMIND for last minute updates.  It is sometimes the ONLY way we can get a message out to all. Current riders, please join our free remind group here:


For all admin related issues please email It is not feasible for us to respond to admin requests via text message.

Please use texting for same day issues, such as notifying us that you will not be attending, etc.

Text 805-212-RIDE or Lotte 805 794 1154

Weather & Makeups

In the case of weather events, please look out for a message from us two hours before a lesson. The weather at the ranch is often different than surrounding areas, so please wait to hear from us in the event we need to cancel due to weather. We are unable to offer makeups in case of illness or other circumstances, but we will make arrangements if the weather at the ranch causes us to cancel.


Call or text: 805 212 RIDE


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  • Riding Lessons, Pony Club, Holiday Programs, Pony Diaries, Mini Pony Adventures, Jump & Apprentice Programs.

  • Attend horse shows, celebrate birthdays and hit the beach & trails with the horses.

© 2024 A Lotte Horses LLC  (805) 212-RIDE

AB Ranch -  5634 Wheeler Canyon Road, Santa Paula, CA 93060 | EIN 88-0725651


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